In an unforgiving desert climate, air-conditioning is an absolute necessity both for businesses and homes to create a comfortable, liveable and workable ambiance. Both, cost of air-conditioning and energy cost of crafting comfortable air quality are significantly high and MACE understands this very well. Hence, MACE offers an integrated air-conditioning solution, which is reliable, efficient and cost effective for the owner, offers high flexibility for consultants, ease of installation for the installers and a superior comfortable environment for the users.
MACE has partnered with Zamil Cooline, the largest CAC manufacturer in the GCC and with Chigo the world largest air-conditioning manufacturer to offer you a variety of air-conditioning solutions including the latest VRF technology.
Tel : 24796202/591
Fax : 24700774
Email :
Brands : Cooline, Chigo
Tel : 24796202/591
Fax : 24700774
Email :
Brands : Cooline, Chigo